I have installed GriddB on Ubuntu successfully but when I try to start the service on the terminal, that is to run Griddb, using this command
sudo systemctl start gridstore
it fails with an error shown below
Job for gridstore.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status gridstore.service” and “journalctl -xeu gridstore.service” for
I checked the details using suggested command:
journalctl -xeu gridstore.service
I get this console stackTrace
Sep 02 08:56:10 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40932]: Starting gridstore service:
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40945]: AD0103: Unable to start node.
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40945]: Confirm event logs (gridstore-
YYYYMMDD-n.log, gsstartup.log).
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40932]: Stopping gridstore service:
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40947]: A00104: Failed to connect node.
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40947]: Confirm node is started.
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40947]: URLError <urlopen error [Errno 111]
Connection refused>
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40932]: F01006: Leavecluster error
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40932]: Stopped.
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40932]: F01002: Startnode error
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar gridstore[40932]: [ FAILED ]
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar systemd[1]: gridstore.service: Control process exited,
code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
p 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar systemd[1]: gridstore.service: Failed with result
Sep 02 08:56:11 nebucodenezzar systemd[1]: Failed to start GridDB database server.
The command systemctl status gridstore.service gives some extra information:
× gridstore.service - GridDB database server.
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/gridstore.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2023-09-02 08:56:11 EAT; 26min ago
Process: 40932 ExecStart=/usr/griddb/bin/gridstore start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
CPU: 370ms
I’ve tried to start the node manually using:
sudo /usr/bin/gs_startnode
I then fall into this error:
A00105: GS_HOME, GS_LOG environment variable not set.
Even after continuously setting the variables
export GS_HOME=/usr/griddb-5.3.0
export GS_LOG=/usr/griddb-5.3.0/log
and restarting the terminal, the variable not set
error and the Griddb service won’t start