I am struggling to get Java Sample1 to connect to the GS server.
It’s probably not important, but I have set up to use maven with GridDB
From what I can see, GridDB server starts up fine and this completes successfully:
GridStore store = GridStoreFactory.getInstance().getGridStore(props);
But putCollection
never completes and never times out after any reasonable amount of time:
Collection<String, Person> col = store.putCollection("col01", Person.class);
Has anyone had any luck with the GridDB Java Samples?
I see that someone else had a similar issue with the https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60426308/griddb-c-client-failed-to-run-sample1-c
but none of those suggestions help.
Here is the entire gs_stat:
"checkpoint": {
"backupOperation": 0,
"duplicateLog": 0,
"endTime": 1705609464270,
"normalCheckpointOperation": 1513,
"pendingPartition": 0,
"periodicCheckpoint": "ACTIVE",
"requestedCheckpointOperation": 0,
"startTime": 1705609464266
"cluster": {
"activeCount": 1,
"applyRuleLimitTime": "2024-01-18T20:00:06.365Z",
"autoGoal": "ACTIVE",
"clusterName": "myCluster",
"clusterRevisionId": "128dd97f-d288-4c63-be2f-2526646f65c0",
"clusterRevisionNo": 90777,
"clusterStatus": "MASTER",
"currentRule": "Initial",
"designatedCount": 1,
"loadBalancer": "ACTIVE",
"master": {
"address": "",
"port": 10040
"nodeList": [
"address": "",
"port": 10040
"nodeStatus": "ACTIVE",
"notificationMode": "FIXED_LIST",
"partitionStatus": "NORMAL",
"startupTime": "2024-01-13T13:54:16.865Z",
"syncCount": 2
"currentTime": "2024-01-18T20:24:36Z",
"performance": {
"backgroundMinRate": 0.1,
"backupCount": 0,
"checkpointFileFlushCount": 128,
"checkpointFileFlushTime": 0,
"checkpointWrite": 0,
"checkpointWriteCompressTime": 0,
"checkpointWriteSize": 0,
"checkpointWriteTime": 0,
"currentTime": 1705609476715,
"dataFileAllocateSize": 0,
"dataFileSize": 0,
"dataFileUsageRate": 1,
"expirationDetail": {
"batchScanNum": 2000,
"batchScanTotalNum": 0,
"batchScanTotalTime": 0,
"erasableExpiredTime": "",
"estimatedBatchFree": 0,
"estimatedErasableExpiredTime": "",
"lastBatchFree": 0,
"latestExpirationCheckTime": "Under measurement"
"logFileFlushCount": 256,
"logFileFlushTime": 386,
"numBackground": 0,
"numConnection": 1,
"numNoExpireTxn": 0,
"numSession": 0,
"numTxn": 0,
"ownerCount": 128,
"peakProcessMemory": 59564032,
"poolBufferMemory": 0,
"processMemory": 14118912,
"sqlNumConnection": 1,
"sqlStoreSwapRead": 0,
"sqlStoreSwapReadSize": 0,
"sqlStoreSwapReadTime": 0,
"sqlStoreSwapWrite": 0,
"sqlStoreSwapWriteSize": 0,
"sqlStoreSwapWriteTime": 0,
"storeCompressionMode": "NO_BLOCK_COMPRESSION",
"storeDetail": {
"batchFreeMapData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"batchFreeRowData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"mapData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"metaData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"rowData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeMemoryLimit": 1073741824,
"storeTotalUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapReadSize": 0,
"swapReadTime": 0,
"swapReadUncompressTime": 0,
"swapWrite": 0,
"swapWriteCompressTime": 0,
"swapWriteSize": 0,
"swapWriteTime": 0,
"totalBackupLsn": 0,
"totalLockConflictCount": 0,
"totalOtherLsn": 0,
"totalOwnerLsn": 0,
"totalReadOperation": 0,
"totalRowRead": 0,
"totalRowWrite": 0,
"totalWriteOperation": 0,
"txnDetail": {
"totalBackgroundOperation": 0
"recovery": {
"progressRate": 1
"version": "5.3.0-39942 CE"